Every once in a while I stumble upon some interesting links. Not necessarily related to investing. So I saved up enough of them and thought you might find them interesting as well.
Autism as a prediction disorder of the subconscious mind. Where predictions made are too precise or lacking altogether. The opposite of Schizophrenics that have a problem with predictions that are too wide and vague. It does give an interesting insight into how the mind works as well, even if you have no interest in Autism:
Leaked diplomatic cable about a report by an American professor who knew Xi Jinping quite well, describing what he was like before he became the big man in China:
Very interesting short and colorful articles by a quant hedgefund about some of the more unknown past bubbles. Very well written too, you can download PDFs somewhere on that site for free:
Article about Karl Friston, one of the most famous neuroscientists currently alive. Who has come up with a rather vague general idea of how the brain works, called the “Free Energy Principle”:
Mark Manson on wisdom:
Isaac Asimov essay on how people get new ideas: