I found the company a month ago and I am writing an article about it. Soon I will publish it. Very interesting company from every point of view. It is trading at an immense discount to net net and cash from operations going positive should be a huge catalyst for enthusiasm to kick in. At least, a great margin of safety at these prices.

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Does anybody have a copy of the short report?

I am an Anexo shareholder since last summer and I have spent a lot of time rechecking my thesis (and sanity) on this one as it is a large position for me. So if anyone wants to reach out and discuss the business (and perhaps more importantly, the accounting entries) do so via PM.

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May 24Author

See the other comments in here for the answer, the short seller took it down.

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Have you seen the short report? I can't find it but would really like to get hold of it as I'm doing a lot of work on the name. Thank you!

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Jan 1Author

I think they took it down. I was able to find it earlier in 2023, but not while writing this article.

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Do you remember who published it?

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Feb 1Author

Thanks. Look to the weekly candle at the same week of the "short report" and you'll understand why these kind of guys publish compeling but vage "short reports" of micro caps. Quick profit.

Anyway, mostly BS.

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Feb 1Author

Yeah doesn't seem like a bright thing to do vs a firm that sues people for a living. Probably why they took it down.

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