May 18, 2023Liked by IJW

Cheers IJW. Don't know if you have looked at the "Ciphersense Research" short report on ANX from a few years ago. Obviously dbay and others are involved since but just fyi as it was a 60 page thing.

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Thanks I will check it out, I missed it. Annoying that Twitter search is so bad, maybe I should have googled ANX short report. My policy is generally to not buy stocks that have 60 page short reports, unless those reports are very obvious baseless attacks.

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I haven't seen the short-report. Do you have a link somewhere or could email to me? I think they took it down. Thank you

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Interesting write-up on $LABB. I am trying to figure out the accounting FX Result line in the income statement and the "FX Effects and Inflation" line in the cash flow statement. I am not familiar with IFRS hyper-inflation accounting.

Is the Ps120mm hit in Q1'23 a one-time balance sheet hit based on FX movements in Q1? Or is it far more complex?

Asked another way, if FX rates were unchanged as of March 31, 2023 and remained unchanged forever, would the FX Results line on the income statement go to zero? I understand this is not going to happen, but I am trying to figure out what this company really earns using March 31, 2023 FX rates and then adjust from there.


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I think if all currencies are stable against each other all those currency line items will be zero? Why would they not be?

I do think that currency losses are inflated now. In past years before 2022 they did not go much above 300m, but last year it was over 600m.

So if this normalizes that is probably a 2-300m boost to earnings.

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Impecunious really means 'poor and deservedly so' for those occasions when you wish to differentiate between the unfortunate and the profligate (IMO).

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